DP # 88 and DVP # 131 Co-Living

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Jake McEwan, Agent for the landowner on behalf of Pemberton Gateway Limited Partnership has applied for a Development Variance Permit and Development Permit to allow construction of a proposed 63 unit studio co-living building on the subject lands. Each 27.8m2 suite will provide basic sleeping quarters, kitchenettes and washroom facilities and the building proposes a communal kitchen, dining, lounge, laundry and office facilities in a co-operative living environment with a full time attendant. The project proposes a variance in the number of parking stall provided from 63 to 41. 

View the location on a map. 

Please use the links below to review components of their completed application.
The Development Permit information is forthcoming.

Application Components:

1. Application Form
2. Conceptual Architectural Drawings * To support Development Variance Permit 131

Contact the Developer:
Pemberton Gateway Limited Partnership
4996 Quebec Street, Vancouver BC, V5W 2N2
Phone: 604-782-0609
Email: Jake@livesharecoliving.com

Further Questions? 
Please email developmentservices@pemberton.ca 

Upcoming Meetings


Regular Council Meeting

Tuesday March 14
5:30 pm - 7400 Prospect Street or by Zoom 

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