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Public Notice | Notice to Amend Council Procedure Bylaw No. 788, 2015

Posted on March 18, 2020

In accordance with section 123 (3) of the Community Charter notice is hereby given that the Council of the Village of Pemberton intends to amend Council Procedure Bylaw No. 778, 2015 at the Special Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday, March 31st, 2020 at 12:00 p.m.

In particular, Section 10 Electronic Participation at Meetings will be amended to add the following clause:

Despite (b) and (c) above, in the event of a health, environmental or safety emergency, where it is not possible to have a quorum or the Mayor or Acting Mayor physically present for a meeting, all or any portion of the members may participate in a Council meeting by means of electronic or other communication facilities, so long as they comply with the remaining requirements of this Section.

The proposed amendment will provide the opportunity for all members of Council to attend electronically in the event of a health, environmental or safety emergency in which it is not possible for quorum to be achieved through the physical presence of the Mayor some or all Council Members.

A copy of the proposed Council Procedure Amendment (Electronic Participation) Bylaw No. 875, 2020 will be available on the Village of Pemberton website. Questions and comments can be directed to Sheena Fraser, Manager of Corporate & Legislative Services, at 604-894-6135 ext 228 or sfraser@pemberton.ca.

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