Freedom of Information

Your Information Rights

Under the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSBC 1996, c. 165, any person has the right to access to records in the custody or under the control of the Village or any other public body, except for  records which are exempted from disclosure under Division 2 of the Act.  However, if the information exempted from disclosure can reasonably be severed from a record, an applicant has the right of access to the remainder of the record.

If research to locate requested records takes longer than three hours, the fourth and subsequent hours are subject to the payment of a fee. Fees may also apply for creating, copying, and delivering records.

Download the Freedom of Information Bylaw No. 709, 2012.

Routinely Available Records

A written request for access to records is not required if a record is routinely available. A  routinely available record may be obtained by asking the the department that holds the record to provide it. 

Routinely available records include those that have been released to the public or are available for purchase by the public, records of public meetings, and records that contain no personal, confidential, or proprietary information. If you are unsure if a written request to access records is necessary, please email Corporate & Legislative Services

To request access to a building file, please submit a Request to View Building Files form to

How to Make a Request

Required Documents & Information

To obtain access to a record, an applicant must pay the application fee of $10 for each request and include in the request sufficient detail to enable to FOI Officer, with a reasonable effort, to identify the records sought. If the applicant is acting on behalf of another person in accordance with the regulations, the applicant must provide written proof of authority to make the request.

The applicant may ask for a copy of the record or may ask to examine the record.

Online Request for Access to Records Form

Our Duty to Assist Applicants

The FOI Officer will make every reasonable effort to assist applicants and to respond without delay to each applicant openly, accurately and completely.

Time Limit for Responding

Subject to sections 7, 23, and 24 of the Act, upon receiving a FOI request, the Village has 30 business days in which to respond. The Village may extend the time for responding to the request for up to 30 business days.

Contents of the Response

The FOI Officer must tell the applicant whether or not they are entitled access to the record and where, when and how access will be given.


For any inquiries regarding Freedom of Information Requests please contact the FOI Officer.

Email FOI Officer