What is the OCP (Sunstone Lot 1) Amendment Bylaw No. 868, 2019?
Bylaw No. 868, 2019 amends the Official Community Plan Map B - Land Use to redesignate the subject property from 'Special Planning Area, Hillside' to 'Residential' to permit further residential development. Bylaw No. 868 also amends Map K- Environmentally Sensitive Areas and Map L- Land Constraints to designate the subject property as a development permit area for the purposes of protection of the natural environment and protection from natural hazards, respectively.
What is Zoning (Sunstone Lot 1) Amendment Bylaw No. 869, 2019?
Bylaw No. 869, 2019 amends the Zoning Bylaw to create a new Residential Amenity 3, Sunstone (RSA-3) Zone to permit large residential (estate sized) development. The RSA-3 Zone would mirror the existing Residential Amenity 1, Sunstone (RSA-1) Zone, with the exception of a higher minimum parcel size of 2,000 m2 Bylaw No. 869 also amends Schedule A - Zoning Map to rezone a portion of the subject property from Rural Residential 1 (RR-1) to RSA-1 to accommodate a reconfiguration of Lots E20, E21, E31 and E32; and to rezone the remainder of the subject property from RR-1 to RSA-3.
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