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Public Notice | Group Fitness Classes are suspended until further notice

Posted on November 24, 2020
As per new the Public Health Order (PHO) which states:
“ Venues that organize or operate other types of indoor group physical activities must suspend them temporarily while new guidance is being developed. These include:
• Dance studios
• Gymnastics
• Martial arts
• Yoga
• Pilates
• Strength and conditioning
• Cheerleading
Venues must use the new guidance to update and re-post their COVID-19 Safety Plan before resuming operations", all Group Fitness Classes are suspended until further notice.
Our team is working diligently to provide you with the recreation outlets you love, stay in touch via our Facebook page for further updates. We understand your confusion, as well as your frustration and we would like to thank you for your continued understanding.
For more details please visit:



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