The Village of Pemberton 2021 Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel will sit on Tuesday, March 16th 2021 at 3pm via Zoom.
A review of the Frontage Tax may be requested to the Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel on one or more of the following grounds: (a) there is an error or omission respecting a name or address on the parcel tax roll, (b) there is an error or omission respecting the inclusion of a parcel, (c) there is an error or omission respecting the taxable area or the taxable frontage of a parcel, (d) an exemption has been improperly allowed or disallowed.
For a folio to be reviewed, written notice must be received by the Village of Pemberton prior to 4:30pm Friday, March 12th 2021.
Written notice must include an address for delivery of any notices in respect of the review, identify the property of which the review is made, include the full name of the requester and telephone number where they can be contacted at regular business hours, indicate if the requester is the owner of the property, indicate, if applicable, the name of the requester’s agent and telephone number where they can be contacted at regular business hours, state the grounds that the request is based upon, and any other prescribed information.
The parcel tax roll is available for public viewing at the Village Office reception desk as of 8:30am Wednesday, February 24th 2021.