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Notice of Special Meeting | Tuesday, March 31st @ 12pm

Posted on March 28, 2020

Notice of Special Meeting | Tuesday, March 31st @ noon
Via Video Conference

The Special Meeting on Tuesday has been called specifically to give readings to three Bylaw amendments:

Village of Pemberton Council Procedure Amendment (Electronic Participation) Bylaw No. 875, 2020

The amendment being proposed will allow for all members of Council, including the Chair or Presiding Officer, to attend a Council, committee, commission or special meeting by electronic means in the event of a health, environmental or safety emergency.  

Village of Pemberton Parks and Public Spaces Use Amendment (Powers of Manager) Bylaw No. 876, 2020

The proposed Parks and Public Spaces Use Amendment (Powers of the Manager) Bylaw No. 876, 2020 includes an addition to Section 22 which allows the Manager to provide for rules of behaviour as may be considered necessary to address public health and safety concerns or to respond to public health emergencies.

Village of Pemberton Municipal Ticket Information Utilization (MTIU) Amendment (Parks and Public Spaces) Bylaw No. 877, 2020

The proposed changes will give authorization for tickets to be issued under the MTIU Bylaw for infractions contrary to the Parks and Public Spaces Use Bylaw, including those individuals in violation of the closures and restrictions within the Village’s parks and public spaces.

View the complete agenda package, along with the proposed Bylaw Amendments here: https://www.pemberton.ca/public/download/files/111445

Last week,  a Ministerial Order was issued that allows Councils/Boards to conduct business by electronic means and further enables all members of Council to attend electronically for the duration of the Provincial State of Emergency.  This Order also relieves local government of the requirement to hold public meetings at which the public can attend and allows for a Council to give all four readings to a bylaw at the same meeting.  This is a result of the COVID-19 crisis and the Orders from the Provincial Health Officer respecting social/physical distancing. 

At this time, the Village does not have the ability to stream live, however, a recording will be made available following the meeting in the Council Calendar (select the meeting date): https://www.pemberton.ca/municipal-services/calendar.  Staff is continuing to explore options to stream the online meeting with community participation during the Question Period time held at the end of a Regular Meeting and will update the public once we have established the means to do so.  We appreciate your patience.



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