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Message from Mayor Richman

Posted on September 17, 2021

And so the summer of 2021 comes to a close and it feels like we saw it all. Heat domes and drought, forest fires, the return of tourism and staff shortages. We saw COVID numbers go down and restrictions ease, and many reconnected with loved ones after too many months. Then we saw COVID numbers increase again bringing new restrictions and along with them new and increasingly difficult conversations.

The last eighteen months have been a lot to take in and to process. As we work hard to turn this pandemic into an endemic and get back to a way of life we long for I feel it is more important than ever to remember to show kindness and patience with each other and to find ways to stay close.

I’m tired. I’m anxious and I’d be lying if I said this hasn’t taken its toll on my mental health and sleep patterns. Recognizing that we all process and react in different ways let us keep compassion at the forefront of our interactions with one another. Blame, shame, name calling and ‘my way or the highway’ thinking is not supportive. Curiosity, appreciation, and kindness are at the heart of this community. We don’t have to agree to be courteous.

Take care of yourselves, take care of one another. Reach out to resources in your community and online, folks. We are in this together and we will come through this together.


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