On March 12th a new reality began. For roughly three weeks, our community has been taking extraordinary measures to care for each other by practicing physical distancing, washing our hands and connecting virtually to ensure we stay linked and fulfilled.
Keeping our social connectedness is no small feat in our current reality; however, seeing people love and support each other has simply reinforced my love of this valley and my admiration for the people in it.
I want to recognize our businesses and essential service providers who are taking incredible precautions to keep their patrons safe and community nourished. I want to thank our community for their patience, understanding and compassion as new information changes our practices on the daily.
Parents and caregivers now have the added role of taking on more of their kids’ everyday education, and educators are working hard on how to connect with their students and teach in this new environment. This new reality is tricky; especially when trying to balance family time, chores and working from home or facing the challenges and stress of not working. Watching our online community share resources and put health and safety first is inspirational. We have shown creativity by adapting the ways we learn together. Witnessing the sharing of resources on how to help with schedules, make a sourdough starter, school lessons and those memes that seem to come just when you need that laugh the most.
As the Province continues to unroll supports related to COVID-19, we are committed to sharing these with you via our website (www.pemberton.ca), Facebook (www.facebook.com/VillageOfPemberton) and eNews. We meet regularly with Vancouver Coastal Health and provincial ministers. If you have questions, concerns or need help, please reach out to us so we can connect you with the support you need.
Finally, please KNOW that the measures we are collectively practicing ARE helping. Your efforts now, will pay off in the weeks, months to come.
I can be contacted at 604.966.6309 or mrichman@pemberton.ca.
Continue to be kind. Continue to connect. Continue to support.
Talk soon, Mike