The current heat wave and subsequent water usage is putting enormous stress on the municipal treated water supply. By disregarding these restrictions, critical infrastructure could be compromised, the drinking water supply may diminish, and fire flow storage requirements for fire fighting will not be met.
Why is there a water shortage when Pemberton is surrounded by water?
Pemberton’s potable water supply is unrelated to river levels. All municipal water must be treated and pumped up to reservoirs which have limited capacity. On June 28, 2021, the Village used 4.2 million litres of water in a single day, which is three times the national average per capita.
Water restrictions are set by the Village of Pemberton and apply only to the use of treated drinking water – not private well water and recycled water.
When can I water?
Even addresses water on Thursdays
Odd addresses water on Wednesdays
Between 4am - 9am OR 7pm - 10pm
For more information, visit the Sprinkling and Watering Restrictions page.