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Call for Agricultural Enhancement Advisory Commission (AEAC) Members

Posted on January 04, 2022

The Village of Pemberton is seeking volunteers for a new advisory planning commission:

Agricultural Enhancement Advisory Commission (AEAC)
Two (2) Year Term – 2022- 2023

Seven to nine vacancies. The main function of the AEAC is to provide Council and Village Staff with advice and recommendations on matters related to agricultural land use, the promotion of agriculture, the protection of farmland and the recognition of the need for food security. The Commission will review and provide recommendations to Council on applications under the Agricultural Land Commission Act. Preference will be given to individuals with direct knowledge or interest and/or experience in agriculture that could include, but is not limited to: Agricultural Processing, Agri-tourism, Community Gardening, Education, Farm Sales/Distribution, Horticulture, Livestock/Animal Husbandry, and Sustainable Development. Two-thirds of the membership must own property or reside within the Village of Pemberton.

For more information or to apply, visit the Development Committees page or email developmentservices@pemberton.ca. Applications must be received by 4pm, Tuesday, January 18, 2022. Selections will be made at the Council meeting on Tuesday, February 1, 2022.

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