Presenting To Council

Appearing Before to Council

To make a presentation to Council, please complete the form, below.  Applications are due by noon on the seventh day prior to the scheduled council meeting. Council meeting agendas are often full. Please apply as early as possible so we can fit you in on your requested date.

Corporate & Legislative Services staff will be contact you to confirm if your request has been accepted. Please direct any questions to the Manager of Corporate & Legislative Services.


Request to Appear Before Council

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The maximum total size of all files in a single form submission is 1 GB.

I/We acknowledge that only the above matter will be discussed during the delegation and that Council shall not act on a request from a delegation until a subsequent regular meeting.

Where the subject matter of a delegation pertains to legal matters, personnel, and/or private property issues, the Village of Pemberton reserves the right not to hear such delegations.

Comments that are defamatory, hateful, racist, discriminatory, homophobic, sexist, contrary to good morals, disrespectful to persons will not be accepted.

Council meetings are public meetings unless the public interest requires closure to the public pursuant to the Community Charter. This request may become part of the public record in the meeting agenda package, which will be distributed to Council, staff, media, and the public online at

1. Deadline

All persons that wish to address Council under the "Delegations" portion of the agenda must submit a written request to the Manager of Corporate & Legislative Services by noon on the seventh (7) day prior to the date of the scheduled council meeting, unless otherwise approved by council.

2. Content of Request

The written request shall include:

- the name and address of the person that will address council;
- the request being made of Council; and
- the reason for making the request.

3. Time Limit

No person shall address Council for more than 10 minutes, exclusive of the time required to answer questions, unless approved by council.

Personal information you provide on this form is collected pursuant to section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used to respond to your request to appear before Council. If you have any questions about the collection and use of your personal information, please contact Corporate & Legislative Services.

Personal information you provide on this form is collected pursuant to section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will only be used for the purpose of processing the business licence application. Your personal information will not be released except in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions about the collection of your personal information may be referred to Corporate and Legislative Services ( or 604-894-6135).